Happy Holidays!

The year 2019 is almost over and the holidays are coming.
Our team is going to enjoy these days and will be less active, although some of us will keep visiting our discord server (https://discord.gg/TGYBTxb) to keep in touch with our community!

It was a nice year, in which we achieved a lot of things. Q1 of this year we decided to go professional with our project. We formed a team together and started the creation of a plan. On 1-7-2019 the MoneyByte idea was born. We started to work out our plan. Graphics were made, plans for a new blockchain were made, etc…

After a lot a preparation, testing, etc.. we official launched the MoneyByte blockchain on 1-10-2019 to the public!

After the launch we did not stopped working. Since then a lot of things we achieved, most of it can be found on our roadmap https://www.moneybyte.org/about/roadmap/

We got listed on several exchanges with several pairs. In total we are now listed on 9 exchanges!!! You can find them over here https://www.moneybyte.org/get-started/get-moneybyte/

Also we extended our investing tools. We got a lot more hedged masternode pools.

Our development team kept working on the chain. On 27-11 they released a new wallet with some fixes and network improvements. On 29-11 they finished our MAC wallet!

Our trading market also evolved very well. We started with $MON at 50 sats, but very quick we reached the 75 sats. On 20-10 we even reached 100 sats and on 26-10 we reached 111 sats. On 11-11 we even reached 200 sats!!! But it kept rising, because on 3-12 we reached the 250 sats. Today 1 $MON is at 280 sats!

A lot of things we achieved, a lot of work has been done in this year. But we won’t stop here. In 2020 we have a lot of work to do, and we also have a lot of plans. So MoneyByte will keep evolving, we will keep working on MoneyByte to achieve our ultimate goals (see our whitepaper for our ultimate goals: https://www.moneybyte.org/about/whitepaper/

The coming 2 weeks the team members will enjoy the holidays and gain strength to come back in 2020 with new strength gained! We hope you all will enjoy also the holidays and keep visiting our discord server, because we will be around in here for some talks, fun and games!

The MoneyByte Blockchain Team (Meet the Moneybyte Blockchain team at https://www.moneybyte.org/about/our-team/) likes to wish you all a merry christmas, a happy hanukkah and a prosperous 2020!

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