MoneyByte news update
Here is some MoneyByte news from the team!
The past 2 weeks we have done a lot of work behind the scenes. Mainly a lot of communication work with various platforms. To get the MoneyByte information visible everywhere but also to get MoneyByte listed on various platforms.
In addition to all this communication work, we have also been busy with the development of our investment tools. Regarding this, we have already introduced you to our newest Hedged Masternode!
So you see we keep continue to develop new investment tools. Past week we could introduce you our newest investment tool. The BIRAKE hedged masternode pool! You can find more info about it here:
More of such investment tool will come soon, we are working hard on several investment tools. Keep an eye on our roadmap to see more info about that!
During the start of the swap from BitcoinMonster to MoneyByte we kept SouthXchange markets on the BitcoinMonster chain, so XMON would be tradeable. But the past week we decided to stop all markets on XMON and we started to swap the last exchange to MoneyByte.
SouthXchange has been fully swapped to MoneyByte. All your coins on the SouthXchange crypto exchange are now MoneyByte coins! So, from now on you can buy and sell MoneyByte coins on SouthXchange.
MoneyByte is tradeable through 2 pairs on SouthXchange:
Our chain developers our working on our MAC wallet, Linux wallet and on the upcoming mobile wallets! We hope to have all ready at the start of Q1 of 2020. See our roadmap for the goals we have setup for ourself!
So our developers keep developing for our chain, but they need some extra hands on it!
Do you have C++ skills and do you want to join our team?
Please reach out to us. Through mail: or through our discord ->
Although the main goal of the MoneyByte team is not the trading marked, it still is important to have a good trading market to keep the project healthy!
This past week the MoneyByte trade market again evolved very well. Our daily trading volume again has grown , even above $1000 and the price of MoneyByte has also grown. This week we reached above the 200 sats!
Besides all the development on chain, investment tools, etc… We also have our work on the ongoing swap from BitcoinMonster to MoneyByte.
This SWAP from BitcoinMonster to MoneyByte goes energetically. At this moment aprox 3 million coins are swapped. Please remind that you can swap your BitcoinMonster coin (1:1) to MoneyByte coins UNTILL DECEMBER 31ST
!!! We want to URGELY remind everyone that BitcoinMonster coins CAN NOT BE SEND to a MoneyByte wallet, and vice versa !!!
If you have BitcoinMonster coins, you can SWAP those coins to MoneyByte coins through this form -> SWAP FORM
DO NOT try to send BitcoinMonster coins to a MoneyByte wallet!!!