Team newsflash
Hello all. Here is some MoneyByte news from the team!
Our latest newsflash was almost 3 weeks ago and the past 3 weeks the MoneyByte Blockchain Team again has done a lot of work. The marketing team did some nice jobs with some marketing video’s, they want to try to gain more awereness through this video’s. Look them up on our video channel over HERE.
Also there was a lot of communication with various platforms, our latest communication was with Coin Market Cap, about a possible listing on their platform.
In addition to all this communication work, the financial and tech part of the team also has been busy with the development of our investment tools. Regarding this, the past weeks we have introduced you to our newest Hedged Masternode!
The COW hedged masternode pool! You can find more info about it HERE
The developers from the MoneyByte Blockchain Team started developing on some new commits for our blockchain. Mainly some fixes with seed connection problems, but also some adjusting on the local windows wallet. The delopment team aims to have these new commits available at the start of the new year. It will be again a NON mandatory update.
Because MoneyByte is growing fast, we could use extra hands on our team. We are looking for developers with skills in crossplatform lanuages like nodejs , react , angular or vue. Also we could use some extra hands on our marketing team. So if you would like to join us, please reach out to us. Through mail: or through discord
The MoneyByte investing tools are widely used. The most popular tool is the Hedged Masternode Pools. But the other tools we have are also very liked. For example our “BTC Spread Betting” tool. Also mainly because BTC price is jumping up and down, people like to have a go with this tool.
Spread bets are complex instruments and come with a HIGH risk of losing money rapidly due to volatility. You should consider whether you understand how spread bets work and whether you can afford the high risk of losing your MoneyByte coins. If you want to have a go with this tool, go to HERE
Also a nice tool we have is the MoneyByte Hedging. Hedging MON against different other crypto coins… You can try a MON hedge over HERE
As you can see, we have developed a nice amount of investing tools, but we are not done yet. The current tools we will keep evolving (stay tuned for some new Hedged Masternode Pools coming soon!) but we are also developing new investing tools!
About our market, the MoneyByte market:
Although the main goal of the MoneyByte team is not the trading marked, it still is important to have a good trading market to keep the project healthy!
This past weeks the MoneyByte trade market again evolved very well. Our daily trading volume again has grown and the price of MoneyByte has also grown. We reached almost the 280 sats!
In a upcoming message we will write you some holiday message, so for now, get your MON and invest wisely!